Immigrant Action

The interest in education and immigrant issues led us to Tom Louie and the work he was doing on the politics of bilingual education. For several years we worked in the English Plus Coalition, and became a co-founding organization for the Immigrant Solidarity and Action Alliance. One of the programs offered by ISAA included bringing representatives of immigrant groups together with prominent members of the Boston media community. We worked to plan ways to counteract the racism which too often appeared in the news. A major emphasis was to gain access for immigrant groups to radio, TV, and print.

Recognizing the intersection of race, gender, and citizenship in the nation’s history, ISAA also initiated a program bringing together new immigrant groups to discuss the meaning of “citizenship”. Groups of recent immigrants shared their experiences with
”citizenship” in the country’s from which they came, and what they thought “citizenship” ought to mean in the United States. The discussions were exciting, but the urgency of addressing more immediate tasks of finding jobs and housing made it difficult to maintain the program for long. The definition of “citizenship” remains one of the most important issues our rapidly diversifying nation must face.

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