Proliferation is an appropriate word to describe what is happening in many sectors of society under the heading of “managing diversity.” Most weeks bring to my desk a new announcement about another group that is offering to do “diversity training.” Continue reading “Managing (Controlling) “Diversity””
Diversity Diversion
In the last three or four years there has been a rapid growth in stated concerns for issues of “diversity” in many areas of society. Partly in response to demographic projections for the early twenty-first century there is an almost hectic move to “diversify” Boards and staffs of innumerable organizations. Continue reading “Diversity Diversion”
Those Who Are Made Poor
To work with the urban poor to fashion a vision of wholeness of human life against the realities of economic, racial and social injustice; to hold that vision and its responsibilities before the churches of the U.C.C. and the people of Metropolitan Boston; and to work with the urban poor towards the fulfillment of that vision. Continue reading “Those Who Are Made Poor”
On Being a Non-Entity
Frequently I hear someone refer to a person or a group of people as being “nonwhite,” and it usually leads me to plead that we identify people by what they are rather than by what they are not. Continue reading “On Being a Non-Entity”
The “New” Racism ???????
Every once in a while I read about a phenomenon which is described as the “new” racism. That sends my thoughts racing, trying to figure out what is “new” about the action being described. Soon my thoughts go in two contrary directions: one direction tells me that there is no such thing as a “new” racism, and the other acknowledges that maybe there is. Continue reading “The “New” Racism ???????”