Doing the Right Thing

Over the years there have been attempts to get athletic teams to change names which are often offensive to Native Americans. That movement has gained new momentum in the last year, responsive to the advent of the tomahawk chop, the appearance of fans in fake Indian headdress, painted faces and behavior which mimics stereotypes of native people. Continue reading “Doing the Right Thing”

Multicultural/Diversity Emphases …Not Enough!!!!!

Many places I turn today I see, hear, and read about an emphasis on multicultural studies, intercultural relationships, and managing diversity. Both my head and my files bulge with the concepts those words represent. Most of what I have heard about, read, and seen has been good; I applaud those who engage multicultural and diversity issues as major foci for the emerging century.

BUT …multicultural/diversity emphases are not enough! Continue reading “Multicultural/Diversity Emphases …Not Enough!!!!!”

Working Against Racism

[Editor’s Note: This is from a series of articles written for PACE, a journal for Roman Catholic educators. The third article in the series is specific to the Roman Catholic Church and, therefore, is not included here.]

What Needs to be Changed?

As was pointed out in the November PACE, racism is not a high-priority issue among white people generally-even among PACE subscribers. Continue reading “Working Against Racism”